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I'm just another Alice--"Lady Liberty" Liao that is...

A H.S. History Teacher

A Coach

A World Citizen

A Daughter of Immigrants

A Mentor

A Fighter

I fight for myself, my family, my co-workers, but more importantly for my students. A year ago today, I would have never thought I would EVER be boxing let alone be in a position to a ring...against a real opponent. But this is the beauty of life. Life is a lot about perception and timing...things don’t come to those who wait-they come to those who act. Your life is destined based upon your actions and your destiny changes as life goes on—what do you want to be? Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? It won’t come easy by any means but sometimes, if you work hard and the timing is right, you can succeed. Every accomplishment that I’ve had thus far started with the decision to just try. So, I did. I took risks and I did things even before I knew I was ready. I did what I was afraid of, I stepped outside of my comfort zones, I accepted all opportunities that came across my path, and I worked really, really hard. That, my friends, is what life is all about. Don’t call me lucky.

Call me a fighter—because that’s who we are.


We fight for hope--because Hope is nearly unshakeable. Hope is deep and we must have hope in our world, country, community,  and our lives.

So, here's to the next four months. We will fight, together.

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